Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 December 2012



Il leva la tête et regarda le peuple assemblé…
Le calme s'étendit sur les gens, venus de tous les coins du désert.
Charmés par cette sollicitude, ils se mirent à écouter cette voie sublime, sortie des ténèbres.
Et la voix forte dit :
Quand l'amour vous fait signe, suivez-le.
Bien que ses voies soient dures et rudes.
Et quand ses ailes vous enveloppent, cédez-lui.
Bien que la lame cachée parmi ses plumes puisse vous blesser.
Et quand il vous parle, croyez en lui.
Bien que sa voix puisse briser vos rêves comme le vent du nord dévaste vos jardins.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

My life in a few words ...

My life in a few words ...

My childhood:

I was born in the countryside, on a hill, surrounded by olive, now missing.
At the foot of the hill, a huge salt lake and my beautiful village five kilometers away, in a small valley, always sunny, surrounded by greenery, like an oasis.
I had a wonderful childhood with my parents, who loved me, because I was their only son. With my two sisters, whose, one of them disappeared in 2004.
Far from the war that was raging in this beautiful country, I had a lovely childhood, full of joy and delight, no worries, as few people of my generation knew her.
Then comes adolescence, a great time too, charming and fun. My father left us when I was only 16 years old. It was a severe test for me.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

The phenomenon of prostitution in Sweden

The phenomenon of prostitution in Sweden
In 1999, when Sweden decided to ban prostitution, Lise Tamm can not help but feel a slight perplexity. "I thought prostitution would survive in hiding, said the deputy head of the prosecutor in Stockholm. Situation could get worse for girls." Twelve years later, Lise Tamm became a fervent spokesman for the Swedish model. "Prostitution has declined significantly and this is a good thing. Gender, it must be mutual. If your wife does not want you, divorce or expect. You do not buy the body of a Russian girl who living in poverty. "

Oersted behind Maxwell's theory

Oersted behind Maxwell's theory

It takes place in Denmark in 1820 ... In an old shack lost in the forest ... It is night ... The storm brewing in the distance and the wind blows ... In this house, a man dealing with his work table: it is Hans Christian Oersted. What is it? Unspeakable experiences
No. He simply pass current in son, as do some time since a lot of physicists on the planet. But for him, this cold stormy night, these experiences will have an insignificant effect unexpected, a mysterious effect, whose impact on our civilization will be huge! He realizes indeed a compass placed not far away sees the needle deviate from its position, highlighting a remote influence

Monday, 15 October 2012

I'm desperate.

I'm desperate.

I loved very strong today ...Not like I used to.It becomes increasingly heavy, scary, scary ...My night is long ... very long and I feel through the passing of time and taunting me intense pain that breaks my senses.I do nothing but think of you constantly.Think ... without hope, without measure, in a desert of loneliness, uncertainty and anxiety.You're so far away, the distance but also by the inability to reach you, because you're not with me ... and you'll never be mine, certainly. It is this thought that torture me and makes my pain more unbearable increasingly heavy.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

The edge of the world, a wonderful country: India.

The edge of the world, a wonderful country: India.

Populated by 1 billion 210 million souls, India is a great economic power. However, its population is deeply rooted in its traditions.
Khumbha Mela, a marvelous city with 50 million Hindu pilgrims. At the heart of Mumbai, megalopolis of 23 million inhabitants, the Dharavi slum is the city of untouchables. The state of Kerala is a haven of peace: Beaches of coconut tangle of navigable canals, deep jungle and lush, misty mountains covered with tea plantations, spectacular Kathakali dance, martial arts ancestors.Rajasthan is the land of lords and maharajas. Its medieval towns, small isolated villages of the Thar desert, making it one of the most beautiful destinations in the country. In the city of Mathura thousands of devotees celebrate a collective madness of spring in overlapping colored powders.
With a population of 1 billion 210 million souls, India after China, the most populous country in the world. Fascinating for some, disturbing to others, India is exuberant in its colors, in its boundless wealth, its poverty unbearable, ardent in its festivals.If the Indian sub-continent is becoming an economic superpower, which in the future will have as well as the United States of America or China, the vast majority of men and women very attached to their traditions and their way of life for centuries.

Friday, 21 September 2012


Gypsies: from mythology to history

At the beginning of XXI century, entire groups of "travelers" seem to have reached the end of their journey centuries, when seen stranded with their caravans on wasteland mired in the outer suburbs of the cities, in terms survivor precarious. Almost settled, these nomads have lost much of their traditions without having integrated into mainstream society. Always rejected, they continue to travel the world, rolling across borders, such as thistles blown by the wind. Some people stop too long as if the wheel of the trailer - which is their symbol - was broken. Those are stranded between two cultures and have more or less lost their identity.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Goodness and wisdom of Buddha

The Buddha is characterized by its profound wisdom. Also the notion of wisdom is at the heart of Buddhism. Yet it is a vague concept, difficult to describe and even more difficult to achieve.
How do we become wise? Is that it is something that we can actively develop, or do we just expect us settle down with age?

Saturday, 25 August 2012

The world is going too fast

Modern man desperately back slope crumbles. We're coming to stay in the same place, in this constantly leaking. Because if we stop one second to run - after work, our emails, our appointment, our obligations, our money, after which time the file - we fall. In unemployment, poverty, neglect, desocialisation.
This is a portrait of modern, according to the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa. The time now is faster and consumes us, like yesterday Cronos children. The acceleration technique, work on screens, transportation, consumption, has led to the acceleration of our frantic pace of life. Then precipitated social change. Nothing resists.

Friday, 24 August 2012

La moto volante de « Star Wars » vole enfin

La moto volante réalise des essais dans le désert Mojave, en Californie. (Aeroflex)
Dans les années 60, un groupe d'ingénieurs avait travaillé sur un prototype de moto volante, avant d'abandonner son projet fou, incapable de résoudre les problèmes de stabilité dans l'air que posait un tel engin. Il a fallu attendre George Lucas pour voir apparaître sur nos écrans des motos à suspension dans le Retour du Jedi, en 1983.

7 milliards d'habitants sur terre

Selon une récente étude de l'Institut national d'Etudes Démographiques (INED), la population mondiale a franchi le seuil de 7 milliards d'habitants en 2011 et devrait s'établir à près de 10 milliards en 2025.

Il y a 10 000 ans, la population mondiale n'atteignait probablement que quelques millions d'âmes. Il y a deux mille ans, environ 250 millions d'habitants, après de nombreux siècles d'une progression très lente. Or, à la fin du XVIIIème siècle, sous l'effet des progrès engendrés par l'hygiène, la médecine et la révolution industrielle, l'équilibre séculaire entre les nombreux décès et naissances s'est rompu. Ce début de transition démographique s'est produit dans un premier temps en Europe de l'ouest et aux Etats-Unis : les décès deviennent alors moins nombreux, favorisant l'accroissement de la population. Ce phénomène s'est ensuite produit dans d'autres pays : la population mondiale a alors entamé un essor exponentiel.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Le mythe de l'exode des pieds noirs en 1962

Le mythe de l’exode des pieds noirs en 1962 démystifié par Pierre Daum, journaliste.
Dans une passionnante enquête historique, « Ni valise, ni cercueil», publiée chez Actes sud, le journaliste Pierre Daum déconstruit le mythe d’un départ de tous les Européens d’Algérie en 1962. En retraçant les parcours des pieds noirs restés dans le pays après l’indépendance, il esquisse une histoire singulière de l’Algérie algérienne.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Algérie:Le Bac pro victime de la vengeance politique

Lorsque M. Karim Younes, alors ministre de la Formation professionnelle, avait mis en place la mécanique du baccalauréat professionnel à partir de 2000, le dossier avait été appuyé ensuite, et ce pendant plus de deux ans, par des réflexions, des études, des séminaires et une coopération technique intense avec des organismes étrangers de renom.

Al Jazeera un média pas comme les autres

Ecrit par Kamel Heriouil (Septembre 2009)
L’espace télévisuel arabe a été doté en 1996 de sa première grande chaine satellitaire : Al Jazzera .Mais est-ce réellement de cela qu’il s’agisse ? Une chaine d’information alternative arabe capable de concurrencer les grands médias internationaux ou tout simplement une imposture, un cicérone pour une curiosité démocratique, dans un monde arabe engourdi et tiraillé par toute sorte d’antagonisme et d’autoritarisme. C’est l’analyse que nous nous sommes proposés de faire à travers les tenants et aboutissants  qui sont à l’origine de  ce nouveau média.