Thursday, 14 February 2013

Just an illusion

Just an illusion

You're walled up in the silence
After making me believe
That you loved me
And dangled many delights

You preferred to stay with the man
With whom you share your life
And that you do not love enough.
It's your choice.

I could not meet you, maybe!
You have aroused in me
The hope of a wonderful love
But that was only an illusion

I'll try to forget you,
Forget up to thy name.
And wear my gaze elsewhere
To another splendor, a new life

You destroyed my dream
And the hope that I had in you
You preferred the other
While you me smile

You will remain a beautiful memory
Even if I can toublier.
But, I will not would seek you more
I do not see you again.

You shall make part vestiges
From a life I could live
From a dream and an illusion past
I so much cherished

Your dark eyes
Will haunt me for the rest of my days
Your smiles continue
to defy me


  1. Une triste réalité, causée peut-être par peur d'être heureux ...
    J'ai vraiment apprécié votre blog.

    A sad reality, caused perhaps by fear of being happy ...
    I very much enjoyed of your blog.

    1. Je suis très heureux que vous ayez apprécié mon blog! et votre passage m'honore! vous êtes la suis sur G+;je vous ai envoyé une invitation d'amitié.
      C'est charmant et cool de votre part et j’apprécie,de mon coté, les mots plaisants et agréables que vous m'adressez.


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