Showing posts with label Poésie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poésie. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Poem dedicated to my friend Sofia Rosero ( Greece)

I lose the reason
In a hopeless love
The reason asked me to forget
The heart is silent
but he laments
Because love is the strongest.
My reason is still here with me
Mired, too, in the molasses.

I do not know what to do.
But time passes, even ...
If I have the feeling that he stops.
The time will be my friend
In the adventure that awaits me.
Only time will save me,
And give me the taste to life.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

I have not forgotten

I have not forgotten

My soul has a secret, my life's mystery
An everlasting love at a time conceived
The evil is hopeless, so I had to be silent,
And that which he did, has never known anything.

Alas! I shall have passed by her unnoticed
Always by his side and yet lonely;
And I will until the end, fact my time on earth,
Not daring to ask for anything, and having received nothing.

Friday, 1 March 2013

The woman in the heart of Queen

There are beautiful women and elderly.
That the time or age did not alter their beauty!
They remained as beautiful, or have become more beautiful !!
This little poem to pay them homage!!

The woman in the heart of Queen

A pink fly in his eyes scented
A scent forgotten, abandoned in a heart
More words that say without misleading
A flower, smell, raped images

She squeezed very hard, his bloody campaign
The pressed against his thighs against her injured
She worked a lifetime to find it
She bled the world, the better to taste

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Just an illusion

Just an illusion

You're walled up in the silence
After making me believe
That you loved me
And dangled many delights

You preferred to stay with the man
With whom you share your life
And that you do not love enough.
It's your choice.

Monday, 4 February 2013

The nameless woman

The nameless woman

Her heart is too big, so big that often explodes
It is believed a little crazy with his eyes took in the wind
The marks on his wrists tell stories
It seems that haunts every night
The dead streets and cabarets black

You will know his name, you will understand just
For her life is a war, a battle really
She hides under her lace, dreams, desires impossible
His life is anything but easy
She has to the body, the evil indelible

Sunday, 3 February 2013


If you do not love me, tell me,
Daughter of my thoughts senseless
What were you saying in the fatal night?
You said words for making fun of my feelings?
What did say so these tears?

This throat oppressed,
Those sobs and these cries?
Ah! if you only enjoy snatched these tenderness
And these words of honey that bewitch me
You have managed to kill me with love.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Ana Maria

Ana Maria

I love you so, I've loved so much!
I have perceived, a child
Led by my father, who came to visit your mother
And buy a loaf of bread.

You smiled at me, and through your eyes
I melted with joy and gladness
As a poor child,
Who was offered a toy dream

Monday, 14 January 2013

Glamor in the desert

Glamor in the desert

In the middle of the desert in an oasis of Africa;
Drinking tea cool in this magical corner
I wrote notes magic to an unknown woman!
I dreamed recklessly, peace and quiet.

In the illuminated lobby, there was a beautiful woman,
Black eyes glittering like a snake of dunes
she crossed my eyes fixing
His beautiful glance dared, that disturbed me.

Friday, 11 January 2013

The dream and the light

Poem dedicated to my friend Leila Hayavi

The dream and the light

You smile at me from the bottom of a beautiful dream
As one angel speaks to the living.
As scum who dies and is reborn on the strike
Your dress and your white veil floating in the wind.

I am Euglena floating born of chance,
The chained of the destiny absolute and brutal;
I am the one all the appearance unbridled
Pursue without turning off my heart and my soul.

Monday, 31 December 2012

Do not be sad

On this day of Christmas Eve, many are lonely and sad
I have a special thought for them!

This poem is for them! I hope to be able to offer a glimmer of hope
And wish them a happy new year 2013

Do not be sad
When your dreams lead you away
That your steps are guided by tears
Do not run away, listen to the cry
Do not be sad

The sun will come to ask
On your pain everlasting
Of your sighs languid
Of no longer perceive the day
Of your nights, the moon will be your friend
Do not be sad

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

You are so beautiful

You are so beautiful

In the cold desert and vast of my loneliness
I never stopped calling you,
Shouting your name, so pleasant to my lost soul,
My mind dazed by suffering and misfortune.

In the quiet and the platitude of my life
I have long sought rest and oblivion
With your soul so generous, so tender ...
But you were not there.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Apenas uma ilusão

Apenas uma ilusão

A imagem ea palavra me quebrar, agradavelmente coração,
E deixa-me sem palavras, perdido na beleza da ficção.
No silêncio da noite e minha solidão,
Surge, o sonho maravilhoso, enquanto eu estava
A onda de aflição, longe de qualquer esperança.

Um sonho de uma beleza que excede todos os caprichos,
Todas as fantasias se apodera de mim e trance
Alegria, felicidade e prazer.
Você fala e você me vê, posso tocar
E levá-lo em meus braços como eu queria.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Being with you

Being with you

(An illusion, maybe but not sure)

Now you belong to me ...
I feel that you love me, perhaps more than before.
I come from afar, from behind the snowy mountains.
Behind the vast sea that separated us.
I feel good in the warmth of your arms,
In the cocoon of our love,

In your beautiful country,
In the world we share.
Your eyes are beautiful when they turn me on
With their amazing light and I remain silent
A tone burst, your idealism and your sweetness.
My heart pounding and my soul back.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Red and white

For do not forget the evil that can make a woman

In the divine color of red and white

I'm numb, an autumn evening ...

Forgetting my past and my past turmoil
Up my name ...
I got lost in the fever of your soul.

Your eyes were the source of my resources

And I liked to describe you my way
The way my heart beat for you.
Your mind obsessed me, and your words cradled me
In a romance sweet and cuddly.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Do not be sad

Do not be sad

You're crying because you miss him
The flame of life is love,
The love of a friend, without a friend,
The love of a land ...
Love simply.
And you cry alone in your solitude
Men in misunderstanding
The misunderstanding of God.
In the fire of hatred, often war
You refugees in the desert of sorrow
In memory of the past.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Scrisoare către un prieten drag inimii mele.

"Letter to a friend dear to my heart," translated into Romanian for a friend.
I do not know if the translation is perfect.
The comments tell.
Kamel Heriouil.

Scrisoare către un prieten drag inimii mele.

Draga mea, sufletul meu!

Tu aduci bucurie și fericire în sufletul meu ofilit,
De ani de mizerie și dispreț
Și eu nu te mulțumi îndeajuns.
Îmi pare foarte rău ...
Eu nu merită, probabil, o atenție atât de mult și de iubire,
De tine, tu, care este un înger din cer,
Adu-mi ceea ce am dorit mereu: dragoste.
Nevoia de a scrie te văd luați
Fața ta întuneca în timp ce sunteți lumină.
De aer, îmi pare rău
Printr-o eroare pe care am comis împotriva ta
Și eu regret profund.
Sufletul tau este perfect si deja ma iertat deja,

Letter to a friend dear to my heart.

Letter to a friend dear to my heart.

My darling, my soul!
You bring joy and happiness to my soul withered,
By years of misery and contempt
And I do not thank you enough.
I'm really sorry ...
I do not deserve, perhaps, so much attention and love,
Of you, you, who is an angel from heaven,
Bring me what I always wanted: Love.
The urge to write you seeing me taking
Your face darken while you are light.
Your air, sorry
By a fault that I committed against you
And I deeply regret.
Your soul is perfect and has already forgiven me already,
I know.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

In the night

In the night

The composure and the fear of loneliness
My heart persists and endures.
I have no time to love
And you're already so far
Wonderful creature, object of my dreams.

In the austere silence of the night
I would venture without delirium and find an outlet
At the infernal exile of my existence,
My drift, my descent into hell.
My star is going to turn a stroke of fate.

Dans la nuit

Dans la nuit

Dans l’impassibilité et la peur de la solitude
Mon cœur s’acharne et endure.
Je n’ai plus le temps d’aimer
Et tu es déjà si loin,
Merveilleuse créature, objet de mes rêves.

Dans l’austère mutisme de la nuit
Je délire  et me risque sans trouver d’exutoire
A l’infernal exil de mon existence,
Ma dérive, ma descente aux enfers.
Mon étoile s’en va au détour d’un coup du sort.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The red moon

The red moon

During my long winter night, I lost hope,
The hope to find you ... someday.
In my journey towards the unknown, I have not met
That frustration and despair ...
Thorns and around destroyed.

My path was strewn with thorns and blood
I screamed my pain and the sky, the sky ...,
No one tends me a hand caressing
A sign of fortune ... a smile.
All was consternation and exile.