Showing posts with label Chroniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chroniques. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Yemanja, my goddess

In front of the city of Salvador de Bahia,in Brazil, arose as a large rock on the water of the Atlantic Ocean, a small island called Itaparica.
Very old people living there like some time to tell the story strange arrival there long Paolo.
When you live near the sea and it is a fisherman, it is not every day that one brings to fish this all the fishermen in the world you say.
So long time ago, Paolo was a fisherman. Oh, fisherman he had the name, nobody had ever spent so much time at sea to bring so few fish. Ever!
The inhabitants of the island even mocked him. They watched with some sadness as Paolo was poor. Everyone said that the poor boy had really bad luck, a 5 year old child would catch more fish than him, and that ultimately it would be better to change jobs.
One evening, Paolo had lingered at sea.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Partez Monsieur !

Partez Monsieur !
Violences, crimes, corruption, injustice
Misères  et  déchéance morale…
Voilà, Monsieur, dans quel  état, vous avez
Transformé ma terre, un sol nourri du sang des martyrs
De l’espoir des hommes partis, un matin de novembre
Cueillir le fruit de la liberté et de l’honneur.
Dans la longue nuit-qui pare les rescapés de la guerre et tous ceux qui sont nés après le mirage de la gloire, de son manteau d’infortune-le désespoir avance et grossit tel un monstre horrible et immuable.
L’innocent sacrifié sur l’autel de la folie des grandeurs et du pouvoir, crie sa douleur et son mal, avant de partir dans le néant ; d’autres innocents, par dizaines, affluent sur cette butte de l’infamie, chercher le salut et le repos.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Why I support Ali Benflis

I'm not a jockey policy or an opportunist.

I support the candidacy of Ali Benflis, to help out my country, Algeria, doldrums, the disaster in which it is driven, driven by all sorts of evils, at their head the serious phenomenon of corruption.
I found long ago that Mr. Ali Benflis had the qualities of a great statesman. From, first, a family of martyrs of the great war in Algeria, it has always been a strong advocate of freedom and just causes.
It was also a great Prime Minister, despite the constraints of the system, which have severely hampered. He tried to do with it, using his moral honesty and his management skills.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The sun rises in the east

In my life I have traveled and seen very beautiful country...
 ...There are wonderful countries in the world…
 ...a country that took me in his arms… Sweden, who adopted   me ... I will never forget…Northerners are   beautiful ... fantastic.
 Sweden, where I had a great love ... Sweden where I lost, too, a great love ... through my fault, my only fault...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

The U.S. after November 6, 2012

Gangrene of American finance has led to a global economic crisis with known results: loss of jobs, bankruptcy million homeowners, the decline of social protection. Yet five years later, the effect of a singular paradox, no one can quite exclude arrival at the White House a man, Willard Mitt Romney, who owes his immense fortune to finance speculative, the relocation of jobs and charms (tax) of the Cayman Islands.

Night covers the sun

The night has just fallen on this earth!
A dark night full of turmoil, suffering and calamity.
By temptation and the power of perversion, wheat do more crops, rivers dry up, as caught in a secular aridity or sucked by a centrifugal force from the center of the planet; fields produce only weeds, concrete and mud.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

La grande superstition

Il faut admettre que les tenants du pouvoir politique actuels et passés sont en grande partie responsables des mesures qui ont produit un corps permanent malade, formé de trimardeurs et de fourvoyés, reniant jusqu’à son passé. Un passé, pourtant, fait de gloires et de valeurs. Allant d'un pacte à l'autre, ils sont responsables de l’héritage d’un système absurde, dénué de toute cohérence. Mais également de la présence parmi nous d'une quantité constante de malfaiteurs, d’habiles attentistes et de clientélistes de tout acabit, puisque ils ont permis la mise à sac de nos richesses matérielles et sociétales.

L'homme seul

Au milieu de nulle part, un homme presque éteint, usé  mais sagace,  passe sans savoir où aller, dans une nuit froide, noircie par la mouise  et l’accablement d’une lassitude continue et démesurée.
Il se hasarde à vivre, respirer, exister et durer encore, malgré le coup du sort. Mais l’affublement  terne et affecté, tel le manteau de la mort, d’une fatalité insoutenable semble le dissuader de tout agissement, de toute entreprise.