Tuesday, 20 November 2012

My life in a few words ...

My life in a few words ...

My childhood:

I was born in the countryside, on a hill, surrounded by olive, now missing.
At the foot of the hill, a huge salt lake and my beautiful village five kilometers away, in a small valley, always sunny, surrounded by greenery, like an oasis.
I had a wonderful childhood with my parents, who loved me, because I was their only son. With my two sisters, whose, one of them disappeared in 2004.
Far from the war that was raging in this beautiful country, I had a lovely childhood, full of joy and delight, no worries, as few people of my generation knew her.
Then comes adolescence, a great time too, charming and fun. My father left us when I was only 16 years old. It was a severe test for me.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Yemanja, my goddess

In front of the city of Salvador de Bahia,in Brazil, arose as a large rock on the water of the Atlantic Ocean, a small island called Itaparica.
Very old people living there like some time to tell the story strange arrival there long Paolo.
When you live near the sea and it is a fisherman, it is not every day that one brings to fish this all the fishermen in the world you say.
So long time ago, Paolo was a fisherman. Oh, fisherman he had the name, nobody had ever spent so much time at sea to bring so few fish. Ever!
The inhabitants of the island even mocked him. They watched with some sadness as Paolo was poor. Everyone said that the poor boy had really bad luck, a 5 year old child would catch more fish than him, and that ultimately it would be better to change jobs.
One evening, Paolo had lingered at sea.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Apenas uma ilusão

Apenas uma ilusão

A imagem ea palavra me quebrar, agradavelmente coração,
E deixa-me sem palavras, perdido na beleza da ficção.
No silêncio da noite e minha solidão,
Surge, o sonho maravilhoso, enquanto eu estava
A onda de aflição, longe de qualquer esperança.

Um sonho de uma beleza que excede todos os caprichos,
Todas as fantasias se apodera de mim e trance
Alegria, felicidade e prazer.
Você fala e você me vê, posso tocar
E levá-lo em meus braços como eu queria.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Partez Monsieur !

Partez Monsieur !
Violences, crimes, corruption, injustice
Misères  et  déchéance morale…
Voilà, Monsieur, dans quel  état, vous avez
Transformé ma terre, un sol nourri du sang des martyrs
De l’espoir des hommes partis, un matin de novembre
Cueillir le fruit de la liberté et de l’honneur.
Dans la longue nuit-qui pare les rescapés de la guerre et tous ceux qui sont nés après le mirage de la gloire, de son manteau d’infortune-le désespoir avance et grossit tel un monstre horrible et immuable.
L’innocent sacrifié sur l’autel de la folie des grandeurs et du pouvoir, crie sa douleur et son mal, avant de partir dans le néant ; d’autres innocents, par dizaines, affluent sur cette butte de l’infamie, chercher le salut et le repos.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Foarte frumoasa poezie scris de meu foarte dragă prietene Dora România.
că ii multumesc extrem de !!!

In ziua in care m-am iubit cu adevarat
(poem scris de Charlie Chaplin)

In ziua in care m-am iubit cu adevarat,
am inteles ca, in toate imprejurarile, ma aflam la locul potrivit, in momentul potrivit.
Si atunci, am putut sa ma linistesc.
Astazi, stiu ca aceasta se numeste … Stima de sine.

In ziua in care m-am iubit cu adevarat,
am realizat ca nelinistea si suferinta mea emotionala nu erau nimic altceva
decat semnalul ca merg impotriva convingerilor mele.
Astazi, stiu ca aceasta se numeste … Sunt eu insumi.

The Taj Mal or eternal love

The Taj Mal or eternal love

A great love story that resembles a true odyssey actually existed between two people, a prince and a princess, Mongolia. A real legend and lived two beings ... perhaps the only great love story of all time ...This proves that the extreme violence of true love between two humans is possible and not fiction or imagination ...The story is wondrous and attracted many writings and reflections of the world.The magnificent mausoleum, Taj Mahal meaning Palace of the Crown, located in Agra, India, is the symbol of this beautiful connection between two hearts that are loved passionately.It also means greatness and eternity of a noble and authentic distraught.Cases that might look like are, of course, rare nowadays, because the loss of old values ​​and the transformation of our society into communities of consumption, but the example is a dream a lot of people around the world.