Tuesday 25 September 2012

an hour to live

original copy in English

The story takes place in Landskrona, not far from Malmo (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark). Fred lives 300 meters from the local radio station, organized between midnight and three o'clock in the morning with the beautiful Paola Carlsson ... the show is called'' together ", and aims to help people in danger ... issue knows very successful around Skåne. Fred is a novelist who has chosen to live in Sweden for ten years. He lives with his wife Loti Lönnrot Professor at Lund University for three years. Fred is at home alone at the time.

First act:
Fred:. Hello This is the season'''' together?

Paola: Yes Hello and welcome .... buzz
Fred: Fred, please! Ok! ...

Paola: Hi Fred! you! other words, any problem, please? .. Take your time ... is, is not it? (Voice soft Paola)

Fred: Thank you ... I must say that I love your show, I hear your voice ... almost regularly, especially, it enchants me ... Drugs are wonderful!

Paola: Thank you Fred! ... I'm here! ... I'm glad to hear you ... you have a way that you say?

Fred: Yes and no ... I have a message to send if you will! ... Hum ...

Paola: (looking a little worried): Yes ... Of course! But if you tell me your first problem is a little more my way with everyone, say a little worried ...

Fred: Well, I have no problem ... . Anxiety ... I just want to send a message to explain that suicide is not an act of self-destruction, because I think that doctors and psychologists ... but an act of courage, a completely selfless act ... m You will hear Melissa? ...

Paola: (taking notes in his notebook usual): Not ... is Paola, I'm listening ... Fred and wants to explain with convincing arguments (laughs Paola discrete) ... you work on the subject ... I mean that you are interested in the issue of suicide ... ". ..

Fred: Hum ... Paola sorry, no, I'm a novelist, say my free time ... but I'm interested in the question, if you will, on a philosophical level ... understand? ... I do not understand why people can die in a natural way and not in a desired manner, premeditated. The goal is the same: the end of life there? ... And then a quick end of life is not better than the length of the agony and pain ... Suicide is considered a deliberate accident, except that it is designed, you understand ... uh .....

Paola: Yes ... I understand your very interesting speech. 's A little unusual for me ... this is the first time ... Well, I've heard a lot about suicide Fred ... tell me what you think? ...

Paola: believer, you say ... yes, I'm a little Buddhist. I knew that, Buddha, this wonderful man through the spirit of wisdom and schools he founded and which characterize the people of Asia as a whole ... but my problem has nothing to do with religion, not ... uh Paola: (a little surprised by the tone and the wisdom of the reply given by Fred) Fred I mean is that all monotheistic religions of Buddhism and even you know are against suicide ... more suicide is considered a crime against his own person ...

Fred: In a crime ... there is always one or more victims and one or more strikers ... I do not see the connection ... for me the man has his own personality, his own body ... look a little history of the right to abortion ... church and morality have always regarded abortion as a crime ... this is what you have now? ...

Paola (a bit panicked at the lack of arguments) Ok, I'm Fred ... but the soul, which belongs to a creative power ... a sort of god, if you want ... that will not tolerate that invades his powers ... the body but not the soul ok ... nobody has the right to end his days in a deliberate ... is this guy?

Fred: (laughs discrete) Listen you Paola is very good, but the subject is boring, I do not really have time for me to discuss with you ... I'm still more than three quarters of an hour on ... (The discussion lasted fourth time ... Fred looks at the clock: it is 20 minutes after midnight) ...

Paola: (worried) Fred did not hang up the phone, I have an emergency, you understand ... I'll put a little music, good music relaxes ... waiting ... Ok Fred? 

To be continued ...

1 comment:

  1. Eu acredito na vida após a morte e na reencarnação.Portanto visto que a vida continua após a morte do corpo físico o suicídio não faz o menor sentido pois os problemas, as dores vão muito além túmulo,somos muito mais que um pedaço de carne,estamos nesse mundo não somos dele, somos como soldados que saímos da nossa pátria que é a espiritual para lutar aqui na Terra contra nós mesmos,pois são os nossos "pequenos" defeitos que provocam grandes guerras.O corpo nos é dado por Deus como veículo, a roupa que temos que usar aqui para lutarmos.A morte não transforma ninguém em nada, permanecemos os mesmos com nossas virtudes e defeitos,não há mágica,milagres é tão simples que as pessoas complicam.Bom foi isso que aprendi com o sr Allan Kardec em várias obras dele que estudei.Espero que essa história tenha um final feliz sem suicídio é claro!Beijos meu amigo,quero que saiba que estou triste por saber que você não bem conte comigo se precisar.


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