Sunday, 14 October 2012

An hour to live (second act)

If you have not read the first act of the novel, click this link:

An hour to live
Second act:

I have depression. I've taken three glasses of vodka with me ... I shut off my computer and go the intention to stretch my legs stiff from hours spent in front of my pc.

It is 23: 00

My campaign, Lottie, works in the office that we share. It does not concern me.
I do not watch it. She said, only when I open the door:
- Hej! George Stanna inte länge!

I do not answer, the waving and fate in the light mist that covers the area. Fresh air is good for me and I feel better already. I head to the 62, Norra Vallgatan a pub open until four in the morning. I meet a friend for a long time, Jimmie. I have not seen for some time. It is accompanied by two girls I do not know. He presents: Madlen and Edith ...

I lost you.

Poem, written October 14, 2012 at five o'clock in the morning, after a severe depression, to the memory of my great friend, Edith Brönwiski, died in the age of 30 years.

''Jag älskar dig, min Edith!...Jag tänker på dig ... mycket stark''

I lost you.

You are the light, the rising sun and hope
My crazy dreams, my fantasies and my fiction.
You are the pearl of the desert, sapphire distant countries,
The morning dew of Eden, nirvana my eyes.
I lost you.

My heart, you're an ocean of love and bliss.
My soul belongs to me and you make it more
A reserve alacrity of spirit and beauty.
I feel that my energy through your divine breath.
I lost you.

In the evening of my life you take me in your arms velvet
Offer me your sun, your coolness, thy pomp
Your charm and grace.
You're bewitching beauty and elegance.
I lost you.

Friday, 12 October 2012


"Mom" ,poema traducido de Inglés a mis amigos, Portugués
escrito a la memoria de mi madre y todas las madres del mundo!


Eu quero dizer Olá para você, mamãe,
Eu choro no momento
Eu sinto sua falta tanto ...
Olá mãe ...
Eu te amo mamãe!

Você apareceu no meu sonho noite passada
E eu ver você sorrindo e bonito como antes
Como sempre ...
E eu choro em seus braços
Sim eu choro ... E chorar de novo.

Na bela casa de campo, onde deu à luz a mim
Muitas vezes eu ...
Mas há mais cottage ...
Somente oliveiras
E a sua memória, a sua inesquecível.


To the memory of my mother, which I think with all my love for her

I want to say hello to you, Mom
I cry at the moment
I miss you so much ...
Hello mom ...
I love you Mom!

Are you appeared in my dream last night
And I see you smiling and lovely as before
As always ...
And I cry in your arms
Yes I cry ... And cry again.

In the beautiful cottage where you gave birth to me
I often go ...
But there is more cottage ...
Only olive trees
And your memory, your unforgettable.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

The edge of the world, a wonderful country: India.

The edge of the world, a wonderful country: India.

Populated by 1 billion 210 million souls, India is a great economic power. However, its population is deeply rooted in its traditions.
Khumbha Mela, a marvelous city with 50 million Hindu pilgrims. At the heart of Mumbai, megalopolis of 23 million inhabitants, the Dharavi slum is the city of untouchables. The state of Kerala is a haven of peace: Beaches of coconut tangle of navigable canals, deep jungle and lush, misty mountains covered with tea plantations, spectacular Kathakali dance, martial arts ancestors.Rajasthan is the land of lords and maharajas. Its medieval towns, small isolated villages of the Thar desert, making it one of the most beautiful destinations in the country. In the city of Mathura thousands of devotees celebrate a collective madness of spring in overlapping colored powders.
With a population of 1 billion 210 million souls, India after China, the most populous country in the world. Fascinating for some, disturbing to others, India is exuberant in its colors, in its boundless wealth, its poverty unbearable, ardent in its festivals.If the Indian sub-continent is becoming an economic superpower, which in the future will have as well as the United States of America or China, the vast majority of men and women very attached to their traditions and their way of life for centuries.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Do not be sad

Do not be sad

You're crying because you miss him
The flame of life is love,
The love of a friend, without a friend,
The love of a land ...
Love simply.
And you cry alone in your solitude
Men in misunderstanding
The misunderstanding of God.
In the fire of hatred, often war
You refugees in the desert of sorrow
In memory of the past.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Scrisoare către un prieten drag inimii mele.

"Letter to a friend dear to my heart," translated into Romanian for a friend.
I do not know if the translation is perfect.
The comments tell.
Kamel Heriouil.

Scrisoare către un prieten drag inimii mele.

Draga mea, sufletul meu!

Tu aduci bucurie și fericire în sufletul meu ofilit,
De ani de mizerie și dispreț
Și eu nu te mulțumi îndeajuns.
Îmi pare foarte rău ...
Eu nu merită, probabil, o atenție atât de mult și de iubire,
De tine, tu, care este un înger din cer,
Adu-mi ceea ce am dorit mereu: dragoste.
Nevoia de a scrie te văd luați
Fața ta întuneca în timp ce sunteți lumină.
De aer, îmi pare rău
Printr-o eroare pe care am comis împotriva ta
Și eu regret profund.
Sufletul tau este perfect si deja ma iertat deja,

Letter to a friend dear to my heart.

Letter to a friend dear to my heart.

My darling, my soul!
You bring joy and happiness to my soul withered,
By years of misery and contempt
And I do not thank you enough.
I'm really sorry ...
I do not deserve, perhaps, so much attention and love,
Of you, you, who is an angel from heaven,
Bring me what I always wanted: Love.
The urge to write you seeing me taking
Your face darken while you are light.
Your air, sorry
By a fault that I committed against you
And I deeply regret.
Your soul is perfect and has already forgiven me already,
I know.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

No meio da noite

Para o meu Lusófona amigos

No meio da noite

A compostura eo medo da solidão
Meu coração persiste e resiste.
Eu não tenho tempo para amar
E você já está tão longe
Criatura maravilhosa, objeto dos meus sonhos.

No silêncio da noite austera
Eu arriscaria sem delírio e encontrar uma saída
No exílio infernal da minha existência,
Minha deriva, minha descida ao inferno.
Minha estrela vai virar um golpe do destino.

In the night

In the night

The composure and the fear of loneliness
My heart persists and endures.
I have no time to love
And you're already so far
Wonderful creature, object of my dreams.

In the austere silence of the night
I would venture without delirium and find an outlet
At the infernal exile of my existence,
My drift, my descent into hell.
My star is going to turn a stroke of fate.

Dans la nuit

Dans la nuit

Dans l’impassibilité et la peur de la solitude
Mon cœur s’acharne et endure.
Je n’ai plus le temps d’aimer
Et tu es déjà si loin,
Merveilleuse créature, objet de mes rêves.

Dans l’austère mutisme de la nuit
Je délire  et me risque sans trouver d’exutoire
A l’infernal exil de mon existence,
Ma dérive, ma descente aux enfers.
Mon étoile s’en va au détour d’un coup du sort.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The red moon

The red moon

During my long winter night, I lost hope,
The hope to find you ... someday.
In my journey towards the unknown, I have not met
That frustration and despair ...
Thorns and around destroyed.

My path was strewn with thorns and blood
I screamed my pain and the sky, the sky ...,
No one tends me a hand caressing
A sign of fortune ... a smile.
All was consternation and exile.

La luna roja

La luna roja

Durante mi larga noche de invierno, he perdido la esperanza,
La esperanza de encontrarte ... algún día.
En mi viaje hacia lo desconocido, no he conocido a
Esa frustración y la desesperación ...
Espinas y todo destruido.

Mi camino estaba sembrado de espinas y sangre
Grité y mi dolor ..., el cielo firmamento
Nadie me tiende una mano acariciando
Un signo de la fortuna ... una sonrisa.
Todo era consternación y el exilio.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Um amor louco ..

Seu rosto, a cor dos seus olhos, a tez de sua pele,
Eu não sei, eu só posso imaginar,
Em meus sonhos, minhas fantasias e minha loucura.
Eu delírio de um ícone, um cara de anjo
Eu tenho você.

Tudo começou com uma troca de palavras,
Sobre as gentilezas, olhares e fixações
Em uma imagem que você fez de si mesmo,
Em uma visão que eu queria que você.
Isto é como tudo começou.

A mad love ...

Your face, the color of your eyes, the complexion of your skin,
I do not know, I can only imagine,
In my dreams, my fantasies and my madness.
I delirium of an icon, a angel face
I got you.

It all began with an exchange of words,
On the pleasantries, glances and fixations
On an image that you've made ​​of yourself,
In a vision I wanted you.
This is how it all began.

Friday, 28 September 2012

My lovely unknown

My lovely unknown

I am no longer the man who loves you still
I am no longer the absolute you famous
I'm not the passion that ever fell asleep
I'm not reflect that tracks death

I'm an outlaw crying time
I'm forgetting the old beggar hopes
I am mystified dust long ago
I saw a shadow into nothingness.

Frumoasa mea străin

Frumoasa mea străin

Nu mai sunt omul care te iubește încă
Nu mai sunt ideal care te iubesc
Eu nu sunt pasiunea, care nu, doarme
Eu nu sunt lumina care urmărește moartea

Sunt un exilat, care regreta timpul său
Eu sunt proscris, uitarea vechi așteaptă
Mi-am pierdut cenușa, acolo a fost mult timp
Am văzut o umbră în vid

Estoy esperando

Estoy esperando
Cruzada con corte azul
El corazón palpitante de placer,
Estoy esperando!
A la orilla del mar al atardecer,
Capaz en el aire esta noche fresca

Estoy esperando!
Con la paciencia de los ojos de un loco, a veces, fijados en la orilla,
A veces las luces parpadeantes de la ciudad,
Estoy esperando!
Con la aparición de un buen príncipe agradable, hermoso,
Indulgente, considerado y un poco inquieto,

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

uma hora a viver

uma hora a viver  

Cópia do ''an hour to live",traduzida em Português
para o meu Lusófona amigos
por Kamel Herioul   (drama romântico)
A história se passa em Landskrona, não muito longe de Malmo (Suécia) e Copenhagen (Dinamarca).Fred vive a 300 metros da estação de rádio local, hospedado entre meia-noite e três horas da manhã pela linda Paola Carlsson ... o show é chamado de'' juntos ", e se destina a ajudar as pessoas em perigo ... emissão sabe muito sucesso em todo Skåne.Fred é um romancista que escolheu viver na Suécia por dez anos. Ele vive com sua esposa Loti Lönnrot, professor da Universidade de Lund, por três anos.Fred é só em casa no momento.

an hour to live

original copy in English

The story takes place in Landskrona, not far from Malmo (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark). Fred lives 300 meters from the local radio station, organized between midnight and three o'clock in the morning with the beautiful Paola Carlsson ... the show is called'' together ", and aims to help people in danger ... issue knows very successful around Skåne. Fred is a novelist who has chosen to live in Sweden for ten years. He lives with his wife Loti Lönnrot Professor at Lund University for three years. Fred is at home alone at the time.